Tagged : spring

Found 3 blog entries tagged as "spring".

Moving from an apartment or condo into a home with a substantial yard is a dream held by many Tennesseans. However, unless your dreams of homeownership include spending countless hours every week tending to your yard, consider designing a low-maintenance landscape. We’ve curated the following nine tips to get your new outdoor space growing.

1.) Choose Hardy Plants that Thrive in Middle TN

Before you plant anything new, consult with a locally owned garden center. Share your yard’s orientation with the sun, level of shade, soil type, your level of experience gardening, and how much time you want to spend on yard care. The knowledgeable staff will be able to suggest easy to care for plants that will naturally flourish in our region.


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When it comes to gardening, there are a few (if not many) end goals. There is the goal of planting gardens to be pretty for the landscaping aspect of it, as well as planting things to eat. Then there is planting to create a diverse, local habitat. That last one, while maybe newer in gardening trends, is one that is truly taking gardening back to its roots.

What exactly is bio-diverse gardening? It is essentially nature conservation in your own backyard. It means intentionally planting and creating a habitat for all our local small creatures to come find a home in. Some call it a “productive” garden. It may sound like a daunting task, but surprisingly, there are many simple things you can do to make your garden more bio-diverse in no time. Here's

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Spring’s verdant foliage and fresh, sweet air brings cleansing and refreshing our homes to the forefront of our minds. Often the shift in weather provides just the kind of energy boost we need to get started! Spring isn’t just about cleaning, however; it's also the ideal time of year to give your home a thorough inspection and make sure everything is in good repair. 

This home maintenance checklist targets parts of your home that experience the most wear and tear during the winter. Take care of these tasks now so that you can relax all summer long! 

1.) Check for gaps in your building’s moisture barrier.

Winter can be extreme, wearing down your home’s moisture defenses. Crawl spaces, windows, attics, and anywhere your home meets the ground

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